Wednesday, February 07, 2007

God's Special Gift

Kayla has been a blessing to our family and we thank Him each day for her!

Monday, February 05, 2007

The next Habs tough Guy!!!!

Gavin is getting ready to be the next enforcer for the Habs when he grows up. He is starting with a look that will scare the socks off the other teams!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Kayla Is HOME!!!

Kayla arrived home today and we are all excited to have her join our family. She is home in time to watch her first habs game tomorrow!!!!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Kayla Faith Marie

Hi I am Kayla and I was born on Tuesday January 30th 2007. I was almost 8 pounds and I can't wait to meet you all.

Go Bears Go!!!!!

Gavin and I are ready for a Chicago Bears win on Super Bowl Sunday!!!!!!!!!!! We are the True Super Fans.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

On Tuesday January 30th baby Kayla will join our family and for those who are curious, she is a Red Sox fan!!

Friday, November 24, 2006

God is Great!!!

Well folks in about 9 weeks (Januray 29 ish) Valerie and I will be meeting our baby girl for the 1st time and Gavin will get to hug her instead of Val's belly!!! We are excited for the big day and we ask for all your prayers that everything will go well and if there is a hole in her heart the doctors will be able to fix it with little or no complications. God is a great God and has blessed us so much with Gavin and now He is giving us another kick at the can. I am a little scared because having another child seems insane to me but it is awesome at the sametime. I know God will help us get over the fears when we see her little face (and pray that her face is like Val's and not mine, haha)!
This is my first non video post and I needed to take a break from my sermon preperation and I thought I would give some praise to God for his blessings by writing about it in my blog! Often I get side tracked in life and forget how much God has done for me over the years. He has brought my family back home from the USA and planted us back in Burtt's Corner (God's Country) to minister. I praise Him everday for this chance to work with Graham, Dan, and all the great people here at the church again. Talk about another kick at the can with my ministry here in BC. God works in funny ways but they all work out for the good! Praise Him for that too!
I would also like to take the time to thank Randy and Sara thurlow for allowing me to sleep on their floor for 2 weeks while I was in Lincoln working on my thesis. You guys were a blessing for me and I Thank God for placing people like you in my life. God has and will use you two to do great things!
Also, thank you to Trevor, Tina, and Haily Sansom for allowing me to hang out there and talk about what God has in store for our age group in the Maritimes. You guys have some great ideas and vision for the future, keep dreaming and remember that God is molding your family for His work. It may seem tough right now but hang in there and allow God to do what He needs to. You guys are a blessing to me in the way you encourage me to be me and nothing more! And how could I forget about that awesome pumpkin cheesecake that Tina made while I was in Lincoln, please keep that up too!!!
To sum it all up, God is Great, Awesome, Loving, Forgiving, In Control, and most of all our Father who looks out for His children. AMEN

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Here is the best show ever!!!! Enjoy the preview.